Saturday 3 March 2012

Back on the bike...

The young Matty Lad
Andy and I met at Warlingham Green and headed off towards the Tatsfield Bus Stop. The foot was fine and it's much improved. This time last week I had to visit the emergency doctor to check it out. I was hobbling all over the place and forced to wear naff sandals. A week later and things have improved. I'm walking fine and the swelling has virtually gone.

At the bus stop we met our old pal with the Dawes Galaxy, had a brief chinwag and then headed home.

Should be out again tomorrow hopefully....and there will be a longer post tomorrow. We only went to the bus stop, which is fine, but boring to photograph, so Andy didn't get his camera out, so here's a photograph of me when I was a very tiny baby. Enjoy!!!!